Tell a personnel anecdote or information, true or false on one of the two drawn themes. For example "I already ate some crocodile” for the “food” theme.
The other players will try to find if you’re lying or telling the truth and give their answers by placing a “100% true” or a “PADUPE card face down.
And then you must find the players who were wrong to win the corresponding number of points from the pot! A designated player who was wrong will make you win one point. But a player who found the right answer will win the pawn instead of you.
But be carefull, the most audacious players can bet their own pawns to bet on your answer and win your pawn or give you their pawns if they lose. The winner is the player who has the most pawns at the end of the game, that is to say when the pot is empty!
Number of players : 2 to 12
Minimum gaming time : 30 minutes
Minimum age: 16 and +
!This game is only available in French in our store !
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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)
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