Russian Roulette



The little extra: an aperitif game with random challenges to have fun with friends.




Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

5,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

russe jeu cartes apéro roulette aperitif game cards roulette russian


Russian Roulette: a simple aperitif game to spice up your evenings with friends, laughter guaranteed!

  A simple aperitif game to spice up your evenings with friends.

 It hits the mark, it ricochets...  

The stress mounts, for whom will the first bullet be?

 Let chance decide your fate and that of other players, with challenges!

 A practical format to take your game everywhere, on all occasions.  

Le Ragon Dingue offers new rules and cards, inspired by classic student party games: between chance, bluff and quiz, set the mood for the evening!  

From 18 years old (game reserved for adults), 2 to 6 players Contains 44 cards.  

!This game is only available in French in our store!


JEUX DUCALE - Le jeu français

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)