Skeleton Island




The little extra: dig and find the most coins to win!



Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

10,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new


While walking on the beach of a skull-shaped island, you see a strange piece of paper protruding from the support.

Your curiosity leads you to dig in the sand with your hands, and you discover a gold coin and parts of a map that you piece together.

 What if the map led to the fabulous treasure of Captain Willain Kidd...

In Skeleton Island, players try to piece together treasure maps and find gold coins by digging in the "sand" - more specifically, by digging in the sand-decorated maps.

 To set up the game, someone takes the deck of 49 sand cards, divides them in half, flips one half face down, shuffles the two halves together, then spins the combined deck on the table to make a pile sand.

Each turn, a player performs either a standard turn or a piracy turn.

During a standard turn, the player takes a "free" card - that is, a card that is not covered by any other card - and looks at it.

 The player can keep the card or put it back on the edge of the pile of sand and draw a second card which he must keep. (If only one or two cards are free, the player can close their eyes and blow on the pile to spread the sand.)

Players search for gold coins, which have value on their own, or halves and quarters of a treasure map.

The first player to hand over a full card of one of the five colors gets the island card of that color, which is worth five coins.

During a hack trick, the player removes three cards they have collected from the deck, then performs two consecutive standard tricks or swipes any card from an opposing player.

When all islands have been claimed or all sand cards have been removed, the game ends and the player with the most coins wins.

Number of players: 2 to 4
Minimum playing time: 15 minutes
Minimum age: 5 years and over

! This game is available in our store in French, English, German, Italian and Dutch!

FrancaisAnglaisAllemand 1Italien 1Autocollant drapeau pays basmodif2

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)