Time's Up Harry Potter

The little extra: discover words or characters from Harry Potter by miming them!

Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

25,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

Enter the world of Harry Potter with this Time's Up which will allow you to introduce characters to your loved ones by mimicking them.

As a team, try to find various elements from the world of Harry Potter and Hogwarts.

A word, a clue and a mime to find out if it's Harry, Hermione, or the one whose name we don't say.

Characters, objects, etc., find the fun of Time's Up in the world of the famous Hogwarts wizard!

Time’s Up is a game of mimes and clues where you have to make the other players on your team find a word.

The team that finds the most words scores the most points and wins at the end of the game.

Which house will gain the most points to win the game?

One thing is certain, you will not lack imagination to try to make your team guess and win!

While the magic happens and to your mimes!


Number of players: 4 to 12

Playing time: 30 minutes

Minimum age: 8 years and over


!This game is only available in our store in French!



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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)