Mimetix get laid

The little extra : make discover French love expressions by mimicking them !

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game party laid get ambiance air en envoie Mimetix


The little extra : make discover French love expressions by mimicking them !In Mimetix "s'envoie en l'air", in less than a minute, we have fun
mimicking the spicy expressions of lovers ... of the French language!

Get ready to "heat up" and "get it right", without necessarily "going to the pan"!

In less than a minute, act out and have your team guess as many phrases as possible. Easy ? Imagine miming literally “taking a rake” or “having a puck in the drawer”.

The funniest in addition to the extravagant mimes? Fabulous responses from players pulling their hair out and tangling their brushes guessing the expression.

You will find 2 rule variations, 3 difficulty levels of expressions and action cards to spice up the game even more!


Number of players : 3 and +
Minimum playing time : 30 to 45 minutes
Minimum age: 18 and +

!This game is only available in French in our store  and is only for adults!

Francais 218ans

Pourquoi Mimetix les fait marrer ?

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)