Evil High Priest



The little extra: develop your cult and try to have the favors of the Great Old One when he wakes up!



Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

50,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

strategy high objectives evil priest stratégie objectifs high evil priest


 Evil High Priest is a worker placement game where players take on the role of priests of a Lovecraftian entity.

All players worship the same Great Old One, but they are definitely not allies.  When they awaken their Great Elder, he will decide which of them is the best (based on VPs) and appoint that Priest, and that Priest only, to be the High Priest, who wins.

 The game contains cards, cardboard tokens, and several different boards - each player has an inner shrine, plus a priest board to manage their worship.

Additionally, there is a town council, representing Lovecraft Country; a ritual tray, representing magic spells; and a cult board, representing the Ancient One you seek to free.

The game takes place in action phases. Players take turns moving their cultists to activate various sites on the different boards, gathering resources, summoning monsters, smashing elder signs, and launching investigator raids (which attack all players).

When all players run out of cultists, the action phase ends and players collect their cultists, freeing up the sites on the board for the next action phase.

Victory is determined when the last Elder Sign blocking your Great Elder is broken, and at this point everyone tallies up points.

Different resources are worth different amounts, but the most valuable are Elder Signs.

Driving the game is the player's need to recruit more cultists and gather more resources, balanced with their need to break Elder Signs and protect themselves from deadly investigator raids.

 Unusual among worker placement games, the cult board can be swapped between games, for a different experience.

The Cult Cthulhu board does not play the same way as the Cult Black Goat board, and they require different tactics and planning.

 Players: 2 to 5

Minimum playing time: 45 to 90 minutes

 Age: 12 years and over

 !This game is only available in French in our store!


Evil High Priest — game overview at Gen Con 2018

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)