Mister and Misses

In Mister and Misses

On 02/11/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Hor have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Rfs had a son named Dwa, Dwarfs.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 26/10/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr and Mrs Rfs have a son, what do they call him?

 Last week Mr. and Mrs. Terz had a daughter named Loo, Looterz.

 Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 19/10/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

 Today Mr and Mrs Terz have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Arena had a son named Time, Time Arena.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 12/10/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Arena have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Quest had a daughter named Mini, Miniquest.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 05/10/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr and Mrs Quest have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Monsieur and Madame Pagnons had a son called Comp, Compagnons.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 28/09/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mister and Misses Pagnons have a son, what do they call him?

 Last week Mr. and Mrs. Zar had a son named Baz, Bazar (of thieves).

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 21/09/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Zar have a son, what's their name?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Lds had a son named Gui, Guilds.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 14/09/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Ldes have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Che had a son named Valier, Chevalier.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 07/09/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone!

Today Mister and Misses Che have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. I had a son named Los, Ilos.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 31/08/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. I have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Rinth had a son named Laby, LabyRinth.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 24/08/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Rinth have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Oteur had a son named Sab, Saboteur.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 17/08/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Oteur have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Brix had a son named Fab, Fabrix.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 10/08/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Brix have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Serpen had a daughter named Tina, Serpentina.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 03/08/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Serpen have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Chap had a son named Pito, Chapito.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 27/07/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Chap have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ino had a son named Dom, Domino.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 20/07/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Ino have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Mage had a son named Archi, Archimage.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 13/07/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Mage have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Il had a son named Los, Ilos.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 06/07/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Il have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ark had a son named Kans, Arkans.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 29/06/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Ark have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ono had a daughter named Kim, Kimono.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 22/06/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Ono have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Cor had a son named Tex, Cortex.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 15/06/2021

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Cor have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Dead had a daughter named Line, Deadline.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 08/06/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Dead have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Waz had a daughter named Abi, Wazabi.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 01/06/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Waz have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Vana had a daughter named Gloria, Vanagloria.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 25/05/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Vana have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Do had a son named Wang, Wangdo.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 18/05/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Do have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. But had a daughter named Tine, Butine.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 11/05/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello all !

Today Mr. and Mrs. But have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Gali had a son named Leo, Galileo.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 04/05/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today, Mr. and Mrs. Gali have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Traders had a son named Sky, Skytraders.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 27/04/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today, Mr. and Mrs. Traders have a son, what is their name?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Town had a daughter named Tam, Tamtown.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 20/04/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr and Mrs Town have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Tchork had a boy named Pat, Patchwork.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 13/04/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Chwork have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Simi had a son named Lo, Similo.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 06/04/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Simi have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Card had a daughter named Line, Cardline.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 30/03/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr and Mrs Card have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. World had a son named Re, Reworld.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 23/03/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. World have a son, what do they call him?

Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Kholt had a son named Rey, Reykholt!

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 16/03/2021

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Today Mr and Mrs Kholt have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Re-Nox had a daughter named Bel, Rebel Nox.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 15/03/2021

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Re-Nox have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ia had a son named Eden, Edenia.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 02/03/2021

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Today, Mr. and Mrs. Ia have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Sul had a daughter named Taniya, Sultaniya.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 23/02/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Sul have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Coa had a daughter named Magi, Magicoa.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 16/02/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Coa have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Amne had a daughter named Sia, Amnesia.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 09/02/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Amne have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ark had a son named Ans, Arkans.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 02/02/2021

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Ark have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Waz had a daughter named Abi, Wazabi.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 26/01/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Waz have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Arc had a daughter named Ana, Arcana.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 19/01/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Monsieur and Madame Arc have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Lu had a daughter named Tece, Lutèce.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 12/01/2021

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Lu have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Terz have a daughter named Loo, Looterz.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 05/01/2021

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr and Mrs Terz have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Sena had a son named Tor, Senator.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 29/12/2020

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Sena have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Coa had a daughter named Magi, Magicoa.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 22/12/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Coa have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mrs. and Mr. Blue had a daughter named Moon, Blue Moon.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 15/12/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Blue have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Key had a son named Mic, Mickey.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 08/12/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Key have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Bubb-Pop had a son named Lee, Bubblee Pop.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 01/12/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Bub-Pop have a son, what do they call him?

Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ono had a daughter named Kim, Kimono.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 24/11/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Sena have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ono had a daughter named Kim, Kimono.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 17/11/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Ono have a daughter what do they call her?

Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Arena had a son named Time, Time Arena.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 10/11/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Arena have a son, what do they call him?

Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Waz had a daughter named Abi, Wazabi.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 03/11/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Waz have a daughter what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Bub had a son named Lee, Bublee.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 27/10/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Today Mr. and Mrs. Bub have a son, what do they call him?

Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Dead have a daughter named Lines, Deadlines.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 20/10/2020

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Dead have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Quadro had a daughter named Polis, Quadropolis.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 06/10/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Galli have a son. What do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. El Capi had a daughter named Tan, El Capitan.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 29/09/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. El Capi have a daughter. What do you call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Story had a daughter named Line, Story Line.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 22/09/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Story have a daughter. What do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Bananas had a son named Jack, Jack Bananas.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 15/09/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Bananas have a son. What do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Land Yard had a son named Scot, Scotland Yard.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 08/09/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Land Yard have a son. What do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Arc had a daughter named Ana, Arcana.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 01/09/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr and Mrs Arc have a daughter. What do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Chwork had a son named Pat, Patchwork.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 25/08/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Chwork have a son. What do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Reader had a daughter named Pam, Palm Reader.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 18/08/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Misses and Mister Reader had a daughter. What is her name ?

Last week Misses and Mister Cala had a daughter named Veras, Calaveras.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 11/08/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr. and Mrs. Cala have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. De l'Age had a son named Pierre, L'Age de Pierre.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 04/08/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mister and Misses De L'Age have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mister and Misses Up had a daughter named Face, Face Up

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 28/07/2020

Mister and Misses


Hello everyone !

Mr and Mrs Up have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Wood had a son named Robin, Robin Wood.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 21/07/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mr and Mrs Wood have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Lama had a son named Serge, Serge Lama.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 14/07/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone ! Happy National day !

Mister and Misses…. have a son named Serge, what is their last name?

Last week Mister and Misses had a daughter named Raja, Nagaraja.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 07/07/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mister and Misses Naga have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Llage had a son named Seal, Sillage.

Happy Tuesday everyone and have a good game;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 30/06/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mister and Misses LLage have a son, what do they call him?

Last week Mister and Misses Sazi had a daughter named Ana, Anasazi.

Happy Tuesday everyone and have a good game;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 23/06/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone !

Mister and Misses Sazi have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Mul had a daughter named A, Amul.

Happy Tuesday everyone and have a good game;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 16/06/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone!

Today Mister and Misses Mul have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Ori had a daughter named Flamme, Oriflamme.

Have a good day ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 09/06/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone!

Today Mister and Misses Ori have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Quadro had a daughter named Polis, Quadropolis.

Have a good day and good game ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 02/06/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone! So did we make the most of the long weekend? ;)

Today Mister and Misses Quadro have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Ono had a daughter named Kim, Kimono.

Have a good day ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 26/05/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone today Mister and Misses Ono have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Keck had a daughter named Mara, Marakech.

Have a good day ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 19/05/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone! I hope you are well.

Mister and Misses Kech have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Amne had a son they named Sia, Amnesia.

Have a nice day and be brave. Take care of yourself and your loved ones;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 12/05/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everyone!

I hope you are well.

Mister and Misses Amne have a daughter, what do they call her?

Last week Mister and Misses Do had a son they named Mika, Mikado.


Have a nice day and be brave. Take care of yourself and your loved ones;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 05/05/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everybody!

Today Mister and Misses Do have a son, what do they call him?

Mister and Misses Ia have a son named Eden, Edenia.

Good luck! And see you ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 28/04/2020

Mister and Misses


Hello everybody!

Today, Mister and Misses Ia have a son, what do they call him?

Mister and Misses Clans have a son named Crystal, Crystal Clans.

Good luck! And see you ;)

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In Mister and Misses

On 21/04/2020

Mister and Misses

Hello everybody!

Today Mister and Misses Clans have a daughter what do they call her?

Mister and Misses Galli have a son named Halli, Halli Galli.

Good luck! And see you ;)

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